Fitness to practice

IN WHICH WE PAY A VISIT TO OUR FRIENDLY LOCAL HOSPITAL AND MEET A MAN WHO HAS BROKEN MORE BONES THAN THERE ARE BONES, AND PONDER ON WEIGHTY MATTERS OF PHYSICS… As I walked along the road towards my mate Jim’s house, I could see a decorator scraping flaky paint off the walls of a … More Fitness to practice

The Scattering

Dad died on January 24th last year, and we said our goodbyes a few days later, on Saturday 28th in St. Mary’s Church in Leixlip. And on Easter Saturday just gone, we bid him a final farewell when we scattered his ashes on Three Rock, about a mile from where he grew up in Ticknock, … More The Scattering

Your pain cave

The above picture is a cunning segue from the end of the last post. Can you see it? No. Can you be arsed to work it out? Also no. It’s okay. I’ll tell you. Just as a by the by, this is not actually a lake; it’s a flooded meadow – a deliberate act by … More Your pain cave

Last but not least

It is counter-intuitive for any of us who have ever run a race, but there is one running competition where in order to win, you must finish last. It does seem, on the face of it, like some manner of cunning riddle that Gollum may have pitched to Bilbo Baggins in the caves under the … More Last but not least


There is not much to report from unironedmanland. Although, on the plus side, there has been some progress in terms of rehab. I am happy to report that I can now put on both shoes AND socks without the aid of another human being. It’s a form of elevated/single leg squat/lunge that I think I … More Pootling